Day 1: REBOOT During Quarantine

Day 1: REBOOT During Quarantine

Tips For a Productive Day.

Lets make the most of it and see what you can achieve big or small in this time of quarantine.  A once in a lifetime opportunity that as it may seem we can try and achieve one, two or maybe more of new habits in our daily routine.

We are keeping this short and easy to incorporate.  We want action not hesitation. 

Tip #1

Stay motivated by having structure to your day by writing down your action plan for what you to achieve.


1. Keep to healthy eating habits by starting the day with 12 oz of water with lemon.

Tip: if you don't have lemons you can pick up organic sparking or flat    water and have it ready to start your day!

2. Get moving with 10 mins of straight activity, first thing in the morning.  

Tip: Doing Laundry is great followed by making the bed, vacuuming, dusting and washing the floor.  Physical movement doesn't mean that it has to be typical "exercise".  Incorporate daily tasks into your way of living a healthy life.  Keep your surroundings clean and you body clean too!

3. Have a raw green salad everyday.  the benefits of eating sunshine nutrients is a perfect way of feeling better.  The burst of nutrients will electrify how you feel just by eating "feel good" foods, like romaine, spinach, arugula, parsley, endive, fennel, red leaf lettuce and escarole.  

Tip: Add protein to your salad when possible.  Protein helps to burn triglycerides by acting like glycogen.  Protein helps to reduce appetite and boost metabolism.

Watch out for sugar in dressings.  Make your own with lemon or lime, avocado, sea salt, ground pepper and if possible cayenne pepper.  Great for metabolism.


Email us your questions and requests for hot topics that you want to learn more about.

More Actions and Tips coming in Day 2 of Tips For a Productive Day





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